My Bangkok Alc/Bev Industry Experience and USA market – Ideas for USA Alc/Bev Retailers

So, there I was, wandering the bustling streets of Bangkok on my latest adventure, when my local partner pulled me into the world of the alcoholic beverage industry. As I explored this intoxicating realm, I couldn’t help but compare it to my hometown, Las Vegas, and my experiences in London and Vienna. You see, the alcohol beverage industry is enormous – in the US alone, it has reached a market size of around $283 billion, with Thailand’s industry valued at about $7 billion. In cities like Las Vegas, Bangkok, and Vienna, bars and nightlife are essential attractions for locals and tourists alike.

Now, Las Vegas is known for its vibrant nightlife, and boy, do we have bars! But my experience in Bangkok was something else entirely. I visited this famous bar where people would wait in a queue for 2-3 hours to get in. The ambiance was out of this world, like stepping into the set of Avatar, surrounded by lush greenery in a high-rise building. I couldn’t believe I was willingly waiting hours for a drink in this unique environment.

The staff at these establishments in Bangkok, London, and Vienna treated me like a close family member, while the bars in Las Vegas often seemed to view me as just another number or an ATM without a pin. It might be cultural, or we may need to shake things up in Vegas.

As a social drinker, I’m stoked about my experiences abroad and inspired by the potential for a similar experience back home in Las Vegas. With so many bars vying for attention in Sin City, it’s crucial to stand out and create a unique, unforgettable experience for patrons.

My adventure in Bangkok got me thinking about the mindset behind waiting in such a long line for a drink. Why do people do it? What’s the psychology behind it? And, more importantly, what does the future of bars look like?

The future is about connected experiences where tech and patrons are fully integrated. Think Instagram, TikTok, and influencers sharing their experiences in real time. In this world, hyper-personalization is critical. We’re talking about using data-driven insights and advanced technology to tailor experiences, products, and services to each customer’s preferences and needs.

In a high-end bar like the one I visited in Bangkok, hyper-personalization could elevate the customer experience to new heights. But what’s the answer to bringing this experience level to Las Vegas?

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With our partners in Bangkok, Thailand


Enter the world of social CRM, a game-changer for alcohol/beverage retailers and restaurants. Connecting it with suppliers and distributors offers even more benefits, such as customer engagement, reputation management, targeted marketing, customer insights, loyalty programs, product information, promotions, and discounts.

These are just some of my musings and suggestions as I continue to explore the diverse and enchanting world of the alcoholic beverage industry in cities around the globe. As I bring a fresh perspective to the vibrant nightlife of Las Vegas, I can’t help but feel excited about the journey ahead. Cheers to the future!

In my next article, I will share my thoughts about the critical elements of a social CRM.

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