Ashish Chauhan

MD & CEO of Bombay Stock Exchange

Covid Lifeline – Ashish Chauhan, MD of Bombay Stock Exchange, India

UAC team of volunteers and supporters are working hard. We must have saved 100,000+ lives, but is it enough?

– Deployed O2 Concentrators at 104 locations in India

– Arranged O2 Tankers and cylinders

– 26+ Covid hospitals supported

– 1000+ volunteers working round the clock

– Helped 5000+ patients got the bed & treatment

Pfizer, Moderna, and more are working on next-generation vaccines that will be more effective against the variant.

Should the whole world be vaccinated with a vaccine that is only 75% effective?

Well, it will be a massive step towards reducing deaths.

Sadly, Covid is now a seasonal disease. So It can’t be eradicated, just like the seasonal flu. So what can we do is manage? And similar to the flu, vaccines will always be a step behind virus variants. So we are beyond the point of eradicating the virus.

Should the whole world be vaccinated with a vaccine that is only 75% effective? Well, it will be a massive step towards reducing deaths.

Our Alumni have a considerable role to play; 500K of us consider ourselves changemakers. So let’s unite and figure out a way to solve it.


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